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DO THIS NOW: Add the Boycott Filter to Your Browser

Unwilling to support his misogyny, a group of women created an anti-Trump group known as #GrabYourWallet with the mission to defund 45’s business interests.

The group’s website catalogs businesses that carry Trump merchandise, including Macy’s, LL Bean, Bloomingdale’s, Lord & Taylor, and Amazon. That’s all well and good and it’s a valuable resource, but wouldn't it be great if there was a browser extension that simply popped up on your computer whenever you clicked on a home page affiliated with Trump?

The #GrabYourWallet group has just the thing: an extension for Chrome that flashes a notice in red — “Warning: This Retailer Does Business With The Trump Family And/Or Sells Trump Family Products.” It then helpfully lists several other businesses who sell similar merchandise not sourced from Trump’s business.

You can download the Chrome extension at this link. It’s easier than taking to the streets to carry protest signs and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

The #GrabYourWallet browser extension is a deliciously subversive tool to accomplish indirectly what direct action cannot.

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