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We're Shutting Down This Site!

After nearly three years and scores of posts, protests, and tweets, we are shutting down this website as of mid-November. Why? Because we believe that we've largely accomplished our goal to evict the manifestly unfit, unethical, and unsavory egomaniac who now sleeps in the White House.

The House of Representatives has taken up the matter of impeachment, and the process now has sufficient momentum and evidence to roll forward to conclusion.

Polls suggest that support for the president is quickly eroding, and that the American people will see the process through to its logical conclusion. The ball is rolling and it it gaining speed. This grave matter is in the hands of Congress and so now we move on to other important activities.

As anonymous online advocates, we will never know what, if any, role we played in bringing this fetid man down. But we do know that we did our best, every day, to shine a light on corruption when and where we saw it; on racism as it sadly metastasized in America; on incompetence where it was evident; and on lawlessness when it was practiced.

Never before in our collective lifetimes have we seen a threat to our nation like the one Donald Trump presented. There were times, early on, when we reasonably feared that this nation of liberty was sliding into a racist, anti-immigrant brand of authoritarianism and that America as we knew it -- land of the free, home of the brave -- would be forever changed for the worse.

And so it was that we collected ourselves and began reading and working and posting and tweeting (more than 1,400 tweets!). We hope you have benefited and we like to believe that we changed some minds along the way.

Thank you for your support.

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